In Community class this term the Junior students practiced the skills they have been learning by preparing and organising a cafe.
It is with great sadness that we reach out to let you know that our beloved school dog, Sydney, has passed away. After recovering well from having her infected gallbladder removed over the Easter holidays, she suddenly became very ill with aggressive cancer that had spread through her organs.
We've spent this year getting used to our new school site and can now comfortably say that we have settled in and adjusted to the rhythms of Glenylon Road.
We recently hosted our very first Big Night Out at our new site, a tradition that has been part of our school fabric for more than 30 years. Every year the students amaze and impress us with their performative talents and this year was no different.
The process of moving school, settling in and emptying the old site has finally concluded. A team of caregivers, parents, kin and staff recently came together to remove the last traces of 50 years of education.
We would like to invite present, past and future members of the SRCS community to say goodbye to our school of 50 years.